ISC computer science paper 2018 Question 10 solved

ISC computer science paper 2018 Question 10 solved

ISC computer science paper 2018 Question 10 solved

A superclass Number is defined to calculate the factorial of a number. Define a subclass Series to find the sum of the series S = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + ………. + n!.

The details of the members of both classes are given below:
Class name: Number
Data member/instance variable:
n: to store an integer number
Member functions/methods:
Number(): constructor to initialize the data member

int factorial(int a): returns the factorial of a number
(factorial of n = 1 × 2 × 3 × …… × n)
void display()
Class name: Series
Data member/instance variable:
sum: to store the sum of the series
Member functions/methods:
Series(…) : parameterized constructor to initialize the data members of both the classes
void calSum(): calculates the sum of the given series
void display(): displays the data members of both the classes
Assume that the superclass Number has been defined. Using the concept of inheritance, specify the class Series giving the details of the constructor (…), void caSum(), and void display().
The superclass, main function, and algorithm need NOT be written.

Solution with explanation

In the following program, we provide class Number as in the question with a parameterize constructor and factorial(int num) method where factorial is calculated.

public class Number


    int i, f, nn, number; // Instance variables of Base class

    public Number(int n)


        nn = n;   // initailize with the inputed value


    // factorial() method with parameter

    public int factorial(int num)


        number = num;


        for(i=1; i<=number; i++)


            f = f * i;  // factorial calculation


        return f;


    // display() method with

    public void display()


        System.out.println("Number:" + nn);



In the following class, Series extends the base class Number. In the drive class, we provide a parameterize constructor Series (int n) and calcSum() method which calculate the summation of factorials.

class Series extends Number


    int sum; // Instance Variable

    // Series constructor

    public Series(int n)



        sum = 0;


    // calculation of factorial in sum variable

    // with factorial() method from base class

    public void calcSum()


        for(int i = 1; i <= nn; i++)


            sum = sum + super.factorial(i);



    // drive class display method

    public void display()



        System.out.println("Series sum:" + sum);



In the following source code, we provide Test class for inputting the value and to print the calculated values of the sum.

import java.util.*;

class Test


    public static void main(String args[ ])


        int n;

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter the number: ");

        n = sc.nextInt();

        Series obj = new Series(n);






Enter the number: 5


Series sum:153

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