Loops in java - Java loop explained with examples


loops in java

Loops in Java

When we execute one or more sets of instructions or statements repetitively of any programming language with the given condition is known as Loop. Or execute one or more sets of instructions with a condition is called Loop. It is also called repetition structure and this structure allows an action is to be repeated until a given condition is true.

Any loop contains three parts

  • First, it has a starting point or initialization
  • Second, it has a condition
  • Third, it has iteration or step

Types of Loop in java

Depending on control

The entry-controlled loop: The loop that checks it’s a condition at the entry point of the loop. For and while() loop are examples of an entry-controlled loop.

The exit control loop: The loop that checks its condition at an exit point or at the end of from loop is known as an exit controlled loop. Do..while() is the example of an exit control loop.

Depending on execution

Definite loop: This kind of loop performs a fixed number of repetitions. For() loop is the example of a definite loop.

Indefinite loop: This kind of loop perform execution indefinite number of times while() and do..while() are the example of indefinite loop.

Java for loop

Java for will executes its operation a fixed number of times or we can say for loop is a repetition control structure that lets you to efficiently execute a specific number of times.

A for loop is useful when you know how many times a task is to be repeated.

All the parts of for loop are optional. Anyone can be left empty, but the two semi-colon must be included.

For Loop syntax

for ( initialization ; test condition ; increment / decrement ) {

// statements


In for loop, we can give curly brace if multiple of statements are there but if single statement curly brace is optional.

for(i=1; i<=5; i++)



for(i=1; i<=5; i++)


 Statement 1;

Statement 2;

Statement 3;



The initialization part is used to declare and initialize variables that will be used by the loop. For example, we can write the initialization part as
int i = 1
The condition is the loop condition similar to the one in while and do-while loops. The increment/decrement part is commonly used to include statements like i++, i– etc.


The for loop is executed in the following way: 
Step 1. Firstly the statements in initialization is executed.
Step 2. The loop condition is evaluated. If it is true, go to step 3 else move out of the loop.
Step 3. Execute the statement in the loop body.
Step 4. Execute the increment /decrement part.
Step 5. Go to step 2.

We can take the following example


for(i=1; i<=5; i++)


  fact = fact * I;


Statement 1 i =1 is executed before the execution of the code block and the initialization will not again.

Statement 2 i<=5 will defines the condition for executing the next code block and if it is true then body part of the loop will execute.

Statement 3 i++ is executed after the code block has been executed and it will execute till the condition satisfied. In this it will execute 5 times and the body part of loop will produce 120 after repetition of times as follows

fact = 1 * 1;

fact = 1 * 2;

fact = 2 * 3;

fact = 6 * 4;

fact = 24 * 5;

the final value will be 120.

For loop has some unusual construct.

First type

int i=0;

for( ; i<5; i++)


   expression 1;

   expression 2;

   expression 3;

   …………………. ;


Here the initialization done outside loop.

Second type

int i=0;

for( ; i<5; )


   expression 1;

   expression 2;

   expression 3;

   …………………. ;



Here the initialization done outside loop and iteration i++ will done within the block.

Third type

int i, s;


for(i=1, s=0 ; i<=5; i++)


   expression 1;

   expression 2;

   expression 3;

   …………………. ;


Here the initialization done within the for loop and also one extra variable initialize with 0 within the for loop.

So for loop can be deferent variant as long as it satisfies three components of a loop.

Few examples of the for loop in java.

Perfect number in Java

A number can be a Perfect Number if the sum of its positive divisors except the number itself is equal to that number. For example, 6 is a perfect number because 6 is divisible by 1, 2, 3 the sum of these values is 1 + 2 + 3 = 6.

public class PerfectNumber


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i, num=6, sum=0;

        for(i=1; i<num; i++)


            if(num % i ==0)


                sum = sum + i;





            System.out.println("Perfect Number");




            System.out.println("Perfect Number");




Prime number in java

Any number which is divisible 1 and by itself is called prime number.  For example 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 19, 23, 29.... are the prime numbers.

public class PrimeNumberFirstMetod


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i, n=5, f=1;

        for(i=2; i<n; i++)


            if(n %i == 0)








            System.out.println("Prime Number");




            System.out.println("Not a Prime Number");




Amicable number in Java

Amicable numbers are those two numbers are the the sum of the proper divisors of each is equal to the other number. For example amicable pairs is: (220, 284)

public class AmicableNumber


    public static void main(String args[])


        int s1,s2,i;

        int n1=220, n2=284; // pair of two number


        // First number sum






        // Second number sum






        // checking of first number sum to the second number and vice versa 

        // second to first

        if(s1==n2 && s2==n1)


            System.out.println("Amicable Number");




            System.out.println("Not amicable Number");




While Loop

The second type of loop is ‘while loop’. It is used we do not know how many times the loop will execute. This is an entry-controlled loop. In a while loop, if the initial condition is true then the execution will enter into the loop.

The syntax for the while loop



  statement 1;

  statement 2;

  statement 3;




The parentheses at the condition is same as the if condition and it will execute as long as the condition is true. The body of the loop will execute until the condition become false.

The while loop will execute the following expression perfectly

While(i = i+1)



All the above expression will evaluate to 0 then the loop will fail and exit.

Why do we use while 1or 0?

The while loop with 1 or 0, while (1) or while (any non-zero value) is used for infinite loop or unending of the loop. 1 or any non-zero value is present, then the condition is always true. So the loop will execute forever and to come out from this unending loop, we must use conditional statements and break statements.

Example of while loop in java

Print series in while loop in java 1 2 3 4……….

class WhileLoopExample1


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i=10;

        while(i!=0) // entry control loop


            System.out.print(i + " "); // print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Reverse number in java

class Reverse


    public static void main()


        int n=154,a, rev=0, m=n;;

        while(n!=0) // entry control loop


            a=n % 10; 

            rev=rev*10 + a;



        System.out.println("Reverse " + rev );



Palindrome number in java

An integer is said to be a palindrome, if it’s reverse is also the same as the number.

Like 121, 141, 242 etc.

class Palindrome


    public static void main(String args[])


        int number=151,a, rev=0, m=number;;

        while(number!=0) // entry control loop


            a=number % 10; 

            rev=rev*10 + a;



        if(m == rev)


            System.out.println("Palindrome number");




            System.out.println("Not a Palindrome number");




Fibonacci series in java using while loop

import java.util.*;

public class Fibonacci


    public static void main(String arg[])


        Scanner sc = new Scanner (System.in);

        int f1, f2, fib, i, number;

        System.out.println ("Enter a number to generate Fibonacci Series:");

        number = sc.nextInt();

        f1 = fib = 0;

        f2 = 1;


        System.out.print (fib+" ");

        while (i < number)


            f1 = f2;

            f2 = fib;

            fib = f1 + f2;

            System.out.print (fib+" ");





Sample output

Enter a number to generate the Fibonacci Series:


0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55

do..while loop in java

this loop is the same as the while loop except it tests the condition at the bottom of the loop. This loop will execute at least once. This an example of an exit-controlled loop.

The syntax for the loop is


 expression 1;

 expression 2;

 expression 3;

 expression 4;



Generally we use do while in menu driven program because we enter the menu before any condition


Example of do-while loop in java

Calculator program in java using a do-while loop with a switch statement

import java.util.*;

public class MenuCalculator


    static void menu() // menu method


        System.out.println ("Press 1 for Addition");

        System.out.println ("Press 2 for Subtraction");

        System.out.println ("Press 3 for Multiplication");

        System.out.println ("Press 4 for Division");

        System.out.println ("Press 5 for Exit\n\n");

        System.out.println ("Enter Your Choice");


    // main method

    public static void main (String args[])


        int num1, num2, result, choice;

        Scanner sc=new Scanner (System.in);


            menu();  // static method

            choice = sc.nextInt();

            System.out.println ("Enter two Numbers:");

            num1=sc.nextInt ();

            num2=sc.nextInt ();



                case 1:


                System.out.println("Sum=" + result);


                case 2:


                System.out.println("Subs=" + result);


                case 3:


                System.out.println("Mult=" + result);


                case 4:


                System.out.println ("Div=" + result);


                case 5:

                System.exit (0);


                System.out.println ("Wrong Choice, please press(1-5)");


        } while(choice!=5); // do while loop condition



Java Programs

Java program for Pronic Number

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