Nested loop in java - java nested loop with examples


Nested loop in java

Nested loop in java

A nested loop is a loop within another loop. We can nested for loops is a loop within another for loop or vice versa.

Nested for loop

Syntax for Nested For loop:

// this is outer loop

for ( initial-value; test-condition; increment / decrement )  


   // this is the inner loop

   for ( initial-value; test-condition; increment / decrement )


      // statement within the inside loop


} //statement of outer loop or end of scope of outer loop


Syntax for Nested While loop:

// this is outer loop



   // this is the inner loop



      // statement within the inside loop



   // statement of outer loop or end of scope of outer loop



Syntax for Nested Do-While loop:

// this is outer loop


   // this is the inner loop



      // statement within the inside loop



   // statement of outer loop or end of scope of outer loop



The execution of statement of nested loop will perform its task from inner most loop to outer most loop. In nested loop, the loop inside a loop will finished first then the outer most loop.

Nested For loop in java 

Example of nested for loop in java

public class NestedForLoop1


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i, j;



            System.out.println("Outer Loop: "+ i);



                System.out.print(" Inner Loop :"+ j);






Sample output

Outer Loop:1

 Inner Loop:1 Inner Loop:2

Outer Loop:2

 Inner Loop:1 Inner Loop:2

Outer Loop:3

 Inner Loop:1 Inner Loop:2

Here outer most loop will execute three times and inner loop will execute six times as it run three times from outer most loop.


Print prime number between 1 to 100

public class PrintPrimeOneTo100


    public static void main(String atgs[])


        int j, f=1,i;

        for (i=2; i<=100; i++)



            for (j=2; j<i; j++)


                if(i % j==0)

                // if number is divided other then 1 and by itself the flag variable become f=0        






            // print prime number if flag variable is f=1

            If (f==1)


                System.out.print (I + " ");





In the above program all the prime number will print between 1 to 100. And this is done with the help of nested for loop. Here in each iteration value I of first loop will check for prime number and if it so it will print the prime number.


Print the series s = 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! + 5!

public class FactorialofSum


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i, j, f, s=0;

        for (i=1; i<=5; i++)



            // factorial of ith digit

            for(j=1; j<=i; j++)




            // print the factorial f

            System.out.println ("Factorial="+f);

            // summation of factorial

            s=s + f;


        System.out.println ("Sum="+s);



Sample output

Factorial= 1

Factorial= 2

Factorial= 6

Factorial= 24

Factorial= 120

Sum = 153


Star pattern with nested for loop


* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

public class StarPattern


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i, j;

        for  (i=1 ;i<=5; i++)


            For (j=1; j<=i; j++)


                System.out.print ("* ");


            System.out.println (); // dummy println




Nested while loop in java

Nested while is a loop within another while loop. The inside loop will end first the outside loop or we can say the function of the inner loop continues till the condition of the inner loop is satisfied or become false.





         Statement 1;

         Statement 2;



           Statement 1;

                        Statement 2;

                        Statement 31;




Example of the nested while loop in java

class NestedWhileLoop


    public static void main(String args[])


        // Local variable initialized i=1, j=1

        int i=1,j=1;



            System.out.println("\n"+i+" "+"outer loop executed\n");



                System.out.println(j+" "+"inner loop executed");


            } // end of inner loop

            i++; // iterate i++

            j=1; // initialize j again with 1

        }// end of outer loop



Star pattern in java with nested while loop

public class StarPatternWhileLoop


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i=1, j;

        while(i<=5) // outer while loop



           while(j<=i) // inner while loop


                System.out.print("* ");

                j++;  // inner while loop iteration



            i++; // outer while loop iteration




Sample Output


* *

* * *

* * * *

* * * * *

Nested do while loop in java

 The nested do while loop is a loop which exist inside to another loop. Working is same as the while loop except it is exit control.



Statements 1;

Statements 2;

do {

Statements 1;

Statements 2;

Statements 3;

Do {

Statements 1;

Statements 2;

Statements 3;

} while(test-condition);

} while (test-condition);


Example of nested do while loop


class NestedDoWhileLoop


    public static void main(String args[])


        // Local variable initialized i=1, j=1

        int i=1,j=1;


            System.out.println("\n"+i+" "+"outer loop executed\n");


                System.out.println(j+" "+"inner loop executed");


            }while(j<=2); // end of inner loop

            i++; // iterate i++

            j=1; // initialize j again with 1

        } while(i<=3);// end of outer loop




Star pattern in java with do while loop


public class StarPatternDoWhileLoop


    public static void main(String args[])


        int i=1, j;

        do// outer while loop



           do // inner while loop


                System.out.print ("* ");

                j++;  // inner while loop iteration

            } while (j<=i);

            System.out.println ();

            i++; // outer while loop iteration

        } while (i<=5);



 More tutorial and examples of java

Loops in Java - Java loop explained with examples

Java program for Pronic Number

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