stack in python

stack in python


stack in python


How to Implement a Python Stack

Introduction to stacks and Queue data structures, which organized computer storage for efficient access and manipulation of data.

The stacks and queue are very simple to learn and execute with ease, and their usage is very common.

Stacks follows the LIFO principle that is last in first out. The last element will be removed or pop first.

Two operations are therein, one is pushed, which adds an element to the top of the stack, and the second one is pop, which removes the element at the top of the stack.

stack in python

So let us begin with implementing stacks, using lists in python. Let us first create an empty list name[].

We are going to add elements to the list, name [] using the append () method.

# create an empty list name


# add elements into the list with append method in the list as Stack








Adding elements to the list using the append() method ensures the push operation of the stack.

Now let us try removing elements from the list.


It will delete the Bumrah as it is entered last

['Siraz', 'Dhoni', 'Shami', 'Kholi', 'Rahul']

Let us try to delete the item again from the list for which we have to write the same syntax


The above code deletes Rahul from the list, and we are left with only

['Siraz', 'Dhoni', 'Shami', 'Kholi']

Stack using deque in python

Implementing push with the help of append() method of the deque, We have to import deque from python collection library as follows

 from collections import deque

# We can initialize a deque with a list

name = deque()


# Use append like before to add elements

name.append ('Siraz')

name.append ('Dhoni')

name.append ('Shami')

name.append ('Kholi')

name.append ('Rahul')

name.append ('Bumrah')

 so when we print the print(name), it will print as follows

deque(['Siraz', 'Dhoni', 'Shami', 'Kholi', 'Rahul', 'Bumrah'])


Now using pop() of deque, we can implement stack pop operation as follows


print (name)

deque(['Siraz', 'Dhoni', 'Shami', 'Kholi', 'Rahul'])

The last element is Bumrah is deleted first


print (name)

deque(['Siraz', 'Dhoni', 'Shami', 'Kholi'])

The second last element Rahul is removed second and so on.


python queue module

Implementation using python queue module

In the Python queue module there is a LIFO Queue, which is basically nothing but Stack. Element is inserted into the queue using put() method that act as PUSH and get () remove data out from the queue that act as POP operation of stack.

from queue import LifoQueue


# Initializing the stack with maxsize is 10

stack = LifoQueue(maxsize = 10)


# qsize() show the number of elements

# in the stack

print(“Initial size of  ”stack.qsize())


# put() function to push

# element in the stack

stack.put ('Siraz')

stack.put ('Dhoni')

stack.put ('Shami')

stack.put ('Kholi')

stack.put ('Rahul')

stack.put ('Bumrah')

print("Full is over or not : ", stack.full())

print("Total size of the stack:  ", stack.qsize())


# This get() method to act as pop operation of stack in

# LIFO order that is (Last in First Out)

print ('\nPoped operation from the stack')

print (stack.get())

print (stack.get())

print (stack.get())


print("\nStack Empty or not : ", stack.empty())



Initial size of  0

Full:  False

Size:  6


Elements poped from the stack




Empty:  False

Python Articles

Multithreading in Java with example

Multithreading in Java with example


Multithreading in Java

Multithreading in Java

 When we want to run multiple programs or tasks simultaneously is known as multitasking. For example running VLC, Word, and Browser at a given time is an example of multitasking. Every program in memory is known as a process and each process has taken a single unit of time.

 The multitasking can be achieved by

  • Multiprocessing which is based on process and associated with operating system level.
  • Multitasking is based on thread and it is associated with programmer.


What is Thread in java?

A thread is a subpart of a process which lightweight and it is the smallest sequence of a program or a process. Each thread has some priority and the higher the priority higher the chances of executing preference.

The life cycle of thread

The JVM controlled the life cycle of a thread and it has five states 1. New, 2. Runnable, 3. Running, 4. Non-Runnable (Blocked) and last 5. Terminated.

How to create a thread in java?

We can thread in java by two method

First, With Thread class extending and second with implementing Runnable interface.

Java provides predefine API to implement thread, a few of commonly used API as follows

  • thread () Create a new thread
  • Thread (Runnable target)
  • Thread (String name)
  • Thread (Runnable target, String name)
  • Thread (ThreadGroup g, Runnable target)

To create a thread we used two way first by extending Thread class and second by implementing Runnable interface and this done by overriding the run() method. After then start() is called.

By implementing Runnable interface

public class RunnableInteface implements Runnable


    public void run()


        System.out.println("thread is running.. by Runnable interface"); 


    public static void main(String args[])


        RunnableInteface ob=new RunnableInteface(); 

        Thread t1 =new Thread(ob); 





thread is running.. by Runnable interface

In the above program, we implement a Runnable interface. And override the run() method and then create an object of the class and that object passed in the Thread class constructor as Thread(ob).

By extending class Thread

public class ExtendingThread extends Thread


    public void run()


        System.out.println("thread is extending class Thread."); 


    public static void main(String args[])


        ExtendingThread t1=new ExtendingThread(); 





thread is extending class Thread.

Another example

public class DemoThread extends Thread


    public void run()


        for(int i=0; i<5; i++)


            System.out.println(getName() + "i=" + i);



    DemoThread() // constructor




    public static void main(String args[])


        DemoThread ob1 = new DemoThread();

        DemoThread ob2 = new DemoThread();



In the above program run() method override and invoked by its constructor method, a loop is run from 0 to 4 and print the thread name with the help of getThread() method. In main() method two objects are created. It will print the following output

Thread-1 i=0

Thread-1 i=1

Thread-1 i=2

Thread-1 i=3

Thread-1 i=4

Thread-0 i=0

Thread-0 i=1

Thread-0 i=2

Thread-0 i=3

Thread-0 i=4

Difference between Daemon and User Threads

The main difference between Daemon and User threads is, a Daemon thread is low priority thread and User thread is a high priority thread.

Daemon thread is used in the background supporting task and User thread is used in the foreground.

Daemon thread life depends on the User thread whereas User Thread are independent.


Creating of Daemon Thread

public class Daemon extends Thread {



    public void run()


        System.out.println("User Thread or Non-Daemon Thread");



class DaemonThread


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Daemon daemon = new Daemon();


        System.out.println("Main Thread"); 

        System.out.println("Is " + daemon.getName() + " a Daemon Thread: " + daemon.isDaemon()); 

        System.out.println("Is " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " a Daemon Thread: "

        + Thread.currentThread().isDaemon());



Inter-Thread communication

When a process communicates with synchronized threads is known as inter-thread communication. It is used to check thread pooling in java. This can be achieved by notify(), notifyAll() and wait() method.

Few points about the thread

  • A thread is the smallest unit of execution
  • Multiple tasks execution is multitasking from the user perspective and from multithreading from an operating system perspective
  • Thread is lightweight
  • Thread is a part of the process and it is an instance of a program
  • Java thread can be created either by class Thread or by interface Runnable
  • in a thread a run() method override
  • The start() method automatically invoke the run() method
  • The yield method of thread provides a chance to wait for another thread
  • join() method is used to wait till the thread finishes its execution
  • sleep() method is used to delay in execution
  • Suspending a thread can be resume again later on by resuming it
  • stop() method stop the thread and make it dead, it can not be resume again
  • synchronized can be used to synchronize the thread

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Program to find largest number among three numbers

Program to find largest number among three numbers

Program to find largest number among three numbers

Java program to display the big number where the user enters three numbers 

import java.util.*;

public class BigNumberPrint


    public static void main(String[] args)


        int num1;                       // First Number

              int num2;                 // Second Number

        int num3;                       // Third Number

        int big;                // Store the largest number.


        // Scanner Object sc.

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;


        // Input the First number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter first number: ");

        num1 = sc.nextInt();

              // Input the Second number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter second number: ");

        num2 = sc.nextInt();

              // Input the Third number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter third number: ");

        num3 = sc.nextInt();


        // Find the largest number among three number.

        if (num1 > num2 && num1 > num3)


            big = num1;


        else if (num2 > num3)


            big = num2;




            big = num3;



        // Display a big number.

        System.out.println("Big number: " + big);




Enter first number: 5

Enter second number: 8

Enter third number: 2

Largest number: 8

Program to find the largest number among three numbers

import java.util.*;

public class LargeNumberPrint


    public static void main(String[] args)


        int num1;                       // Input First Number

        int num2;                       // Input Second Number

        int num3;                       // Input Third Number

        int large;                        // Store the largest number.


        // Scanner Object sc.

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;


        // Input the First number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter first number: ");

        num1 = sc.nextInt();

        // Input Second number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter second number: ");

        num2 = sc.nextInt();

        // Input Third number from the user.

        System.out.print("Enter third number: ");

        num3 = sc.nextInt();

        // Find the largest number among three numbers.

        if(num1 >= num2)


            if(num1 >= num3)

                large = num1;


                large = num3; 




            if(num2 >= num3)

                large = num2;


                large = num3;


        // Print the large number.

        System.out.println("Largest number: " + large);




Enter first number: 6

Enter second number: 9

Enter third number: 2

Largest number: 9

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