interview question and answer related to computer language


interview question and answer related to computer language

Q. How many error types are there in computer programming language?

There are three types of errors in the execution of a computer program. These are:


Logical errors 

This can occur due to wrong implementation of programming logic and these kinds of error very difficult to remove.


Syntax errors

This can occur due to one or more grammatical rules of the programming language being used is violated. These kinds of errors are detected during compile time.


Runtime errors

This can occur due to the program contains a wrong operation. For example, dividing a number by 0. These kinds of errors are displayed instantly during the program execution. When these kinds of errors occur at runtime, the program execution is stopped and a diagnostic message is printed on the screen.

 Q. What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a step-by-step process to solve a problem in simple English. It features are clarity, ease to understand a problem, efficiency, and simplicity.

 Q. Define variable.

Variable is place holder of data. Or we can say it is a storage location in a computer programming language. Example int a=50; Here a is a variable that assigns a value 50 of data type int.

 Q. What is 3GL?

Third generation language is much more user friendly and machine-independent than its predecessor 2GL. Examples: C, C++, BASIC, COBOL, Java

Features are:

  • Easy to write code
  • Improved data types
  • Language of 3GL are general purpose
  • More like the English language (High Level)
  • Need Interpretation and Compilation
  • Many language support Object-Oriented Programming

 Q. What is 4GL?

Fourth-Generation Programming Language (4GL) allows nonprogrammer user to write programs to query database and to generate custom reports and it does multiple tasks to be done on a single command.

4GL is a set of non-procedural language and high-level programming language. 4GL reduces programming cost and time. 4GL programs have greater usability and also classified as table-driven, Report generator, Form generator.

Features are:

  • It is a non-procedural language and high-level programming language.
  • It reduces programming cost and time. 
  • It programs have greater usability.


Q. What is API?

An API is a group of functions, routines, data structures, object classes, variables, protocols that can be used to create software or interact with an external system or we can say an API specifies how software or application components should interact and work. With the growth of web applications and mobile apps and their allied services, API becomes the most important part of developers.

 Q. What is the Purpose of API?

The main purpose of API is to help the developer to develop a more efficient application without the bother of developing the completing API. They used it and do their job. It will automate and integrate with efficient coding and simplifying the programming.

 Q. What is ASCII?

ASCII(American Standard Code For Information Interchange) is basically a character encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. ASCII code is used for identifying characters and numerals on a keyboard. It is an 8-bit sequence code and is used for identifying letters, numbers, and special characters.

 Q. What is ANSI?

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a non-profit association that oversees standards in the US. It also universally accepted in multiple industries.

ANSI takes on the responsibility for bringing together representatives from government, industry, academia, and the public to develop voluntary, consensus standards aimed at strengthening 

 Q. What is IDE?

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is software that is used to write programming code as an editor and compiler. Examples of some famous IDE are Eclipse, NetBeans, Visual Studios, IntelliJ, etc. Each IDE has its own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

Q. What is debugging?

Debugging is a process to find out errors or bugs and then remove the errors in a program and make the program error-free.

Q. What are reserved words?

Every language has predefine keyword like for, break, continue, while, do, etc is called reserved word.

 Q. What are loops?

A loop is a repeating syntax of a programming language. Like for(initial; condition; iteration)

Q How many types of loops are there?

Two types of the loop are there in programming language 1. Entry control loop (for( ) and while( )) and 2. Exit control loop (do.. while())

Q. What is an Array?

An array is a contiguous memory location of a programming language.

Q. What is a Compiler?

It is a translator that translates source code to machine understanding from a computer programming language. In this translator, the whole source code translates to object code. Like C, C++ compiler.

Q. What is an Interpreter?

It is also a translator that translates source code one line at a time. Like GWBasic.

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